Group News

Welcome to SME's Maine Dirigo Chapter 46! 


SME's Maine Dirigo Chapter 46 is the premier resource for training, education and best practices in manufacturing processes and methods. We bring the benefits of manufacturing to our communities and other business sectors. 

We have developed and continue to grow strategic partnerships such as MAMe, ASQ, APICS, AME, MEP and the Lean Collaborative. We collaborate with and leverage these partnerships to bring education, events and resources in the most streamlined and effective manner.

We strengthen our members, manufacturers and economy by bringing the members of the manufacturing and technology world together to share information and best practices

  • Providing our members with the latest information, training resources and certification opportunities.
  • Facilitating bonds between the needs of businesses and individuals.
  • Providing mentors to businesses in need of manufacturing expertise.
  • Providing a forum for peer to peer knowledge sharing and individual growth.
  • Facilitating the ties between the manufacturer and their community.

We closely partner with education systems K through the postsecondary level as well as informal “ maker spaces” to attract future generations to manufacturing careers. The industry is highly engaged in a cooperative process to better prepare and foster future generations. As a result, we see increased training, certification and graduation levels in our education system. Our manufacturing workforce is growing in number and capability.

We have increased our revenue-generating capability through more and different activities that provide value to all members. We have grown our membership by 100% since 2013. We have increased the involvement and active membership statewide. We have a 95% retention rate in our membership. Our board membership reflects participation from all regions of the state. Our committees are fully staffed and operational. We have created student chapters within the education system.

Everyone knows who SME is, and they are excited, appreciative and interested in joining our efforts because we have fun, get things done, promote profitable organizations and high paying jobs for anyone that wants to work hard to manufacture in Maine!

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Contact Information
Nick Bull
Abbott Labs
207-730-5785 | Email

Chelsea Boyd

Alec Mackenzie
Casco Systems
Alyssa Turnbull
Jotul North America
Portland, ME, United States