Enabling Smart Manufacturing with Edge Computing Webinar 333
Enabling Smart Manufacturing with Edge Computing Webinar
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Making Smart Factories Smarter: Combining the Power of IoT Analytics, Machine Learning, and Edge Computing on the Plant Floor 

Smart Manufacturing envisions a future where factory equipment can make autonomous decisions based on what’s going happening on the factory floor. Enabling this vision requires a combination of related technologies such as IoT, AI/machine learning, and edge computing. In this webinar, we will introduce edge computing and discuss its role in enabling Smart Manufacturing. 

Learn more about IoT Edge, including quick starts and tutorials to get you started Click Here.


Diego Tamburini 
Principal Industry Lead 
Microsoft Azure

Diego Tamburini currently works as the Principal Industry Lead for Azure Manufacturing, where he focuses on ensuring that Azure delivers the best cloud platform for Manufacturing, and on sharing Microsoft's cloud story with decision makers and influencers in the industry. 
Date & Time
Tuesday June 26th, 2018 2:00pm EDT
End Date & Time
Tuesday June 26th, 2018 3:00pm EDT
Category Webinar

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Date & Time: 06/26/2018 02:00:00 PM EDT