SME Member Spotlight: Zachary Bibik, CAM-F
What is the primary reason you joined SME?
I joined SME as a high school senior when I was looking for scholarships to help me earn an engineering degree. My mother is an SME member and connected me with the SME Education Foundation scholarship opportunities. I was awarded the 2015 SME Education Foundation Family Scholarship. I would not have been able to attend school without this support. I met kind, engaging SME representatives at the Awards Gala (Kathleen Carter, Cecil Schneider, Ralton Emory and more). I believe meeting these supportive, encouraging members of SME started my commitment to the organization.
- What is your most memorable experience with SME?
My most memorable experience was the honor of being selected for the 2015 SME Education Foundation scholarship. My next most memorable experience was the Emerging Professional Meet-up event I helped organize at FABTECH in Chicago. This was a great experience learning to collaborate with other industry professionals across the nation. It was very gratifying and exciting to finally meet fellow SME members in person that I had only interacted with online. Meeting SME members that are a similar age to me and have similar goals/challenges really helped me feel a sense of community in SME.
- What is the most important benefit SME provides you?
Primarily, I value SME's information it provides members. This includes the Daily Executive Briefing, the Manufacturing Research Assistance and the knowledge shared at local chapter factory tours. Second, I highly value the networking and connections that I have made through SME. Finally, the training and certifications offered through SME. I am in the additive manufacturing industry and greatly value the CAM-F and CAM-T offered by SME to certify my knowledge, particularly since I have earned my own CAM-F designation/certification.
- What would you say to an emerging professional to encourage them to join SME?
I would first ask what strategies they are using to continue their education and growth as they leave university and enter industry. Most emerging professionals I know are solely focused on finding their first job and learning their new responsibilities. I would describe SME as a gateway to continuing one's manufacturing education, to stay informed on current manufacturing news and to earn certifications to advance your qualifications above your peers.
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10/27/2022 5:05pm EDT