Blog Post List

Welcome, New SME Members: January 2024 484

Welcome to our new professional members, emerging professionals, and post-secondary students who joined SME in the last month! Please visit the  Member Directory  to search by their name(s) and start connecting with them. SME LIFE MEMBERS Recognizing our new SME Life Members for their service to the manufacturing industry and sustained ...

Added by Michael Scholl Blog SME Connect Blog 01/25/2024
5 Expenses Every Entrepreneur Should Brace For 482

In business, unavoidable expenses can catch even the most seasoned visionaries off guard. These unexpected costs often emerge from various corners, challenging entrepreneurs to adapt and strategize on the fly.    To succeed, you must be prepared for unexpected expenses that could affect your profits. For help, below are five expenses every ...

Added by Tiffany Wagner Blog SME Connect Blog 01/15/2024