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Bright Minds College Experience Provides Exploration, Networking, Learning Opportunities 478

The Bright Minds College Experience at SOUTHTEC 2023 in Greenville, South Carolina on October 25 was a unique gathering of college students from Auburn University and Tuskegee University. It was a day of exploration, networking, and learning. As the event - which is the first of its kind hosted by SME Membership - began, conversations buzzed with ...

Added by Michael Scholl Blog SME Connect Blog 10/31/2023
Welcome New SME Members: October 2023 477

Welcome to our new professional members, emerging professionals, and post-secondary students who joined SME in the last month! Please visit the  Member Directory  to search by their name(s) and start connecting with them. PROFESSIONALS & EMERGING PROFESSIONALS Anne Barrows Becky Epps, Manager, Center for Workforce Innovation, St Louis ...

Added by Michael Scholl Blog SME Connect Blog 10/30/2023