Advisory Meeting at Long Beach City College Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Technology department


Thursday Evening, there was an Advisory Meeting at Long Beach City College, Pacific Coast Hwy Campus to discuss Curricula and budgeting for next years Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Technology department.


Dave and Angie Rosenfield, representing ROMAC, a small E Los Angeles Manufacturing concern as well as SME Chapter 233 were invited to participate in the review.


The Advisory Council consisted of Major and Small industrials, Educators and other Staff and Students from that department. In addition to ROMAC, representatives from Boeing, Virgin Glalactic, Northrup and other major companies were in attendance. This work was critical to them as Students in these studies will be part of the next generation workforce they will be hiring from.


Section by section the requirements, objectives, outcomes were discussed, voted on and passed. This takes them to the budgetary task. There will be another advisory meeting to approve at the advisory level, the budgets and funding they will request to move the programs forward.


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