Metal Stock Storage and Management

Hello everyone,

Question for you.

How do you store and manage your metal stock?  What types of racks, carts, shelving, etc do you use?  I talked my school into purchasing a 40' storage container that I have right outside my door.  I want to build some racking/shelving for it to keep it organized.  

I have a lot of  10-12' stock of aluminum and steel as well as literally tons of drops (under 12") . I also have some sheet metal in 4' x 4' and 2x4' sizes in steel and aluminum.

I need some ideas so that I can have my Mechanical design students design and layout the storage container and then will have my Machine Tool 1 students cut the material for the storage racks. 

If you have any innovative ideas or suggestions send me a picture or drawing. 


Dan Kiehler

Romeo High School


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