Calling All Manufacturers: Are You Tapping into the Power of Apprenticeships?

In today's rapidly evolving manufacturing landscape, finding skilled talent is more crucial than ever. With the recent surge in advanced manufacturing initiatives and the growing demand for a tech-savvy workforce, apprenticeships are emerging as a game-changing solution. We're curious: who in the Southern Piedmont manufacturing community is leveraging this powerful tool?  We'd love to hear from you:

  1. Is your company currently hosting apprenticeship programs?
  2. Are you hiring apprentices from local high schools or recent graduates?
  3. If you have an apprenticeship program, what benefits have you seen?
  4. If not, what challenges are holding you back?
  5. How can the SME Southern Piedmont support your efforts? 

 ApprenticeshipNC is a good resource for employers interested in learning how registered apprenticeship can help build a skilled workforce to meets the needs of your business; today and into the everchanging future.  
