Group News

Thank you to Malcolm DeSouza of DocuPlus for recently digitizing our Chapter's historical documents. See our FILES section to download our 50th Anniversary document.

SME Montreal Chapter 50 Visits Soundbite Medical Solutions
SME's Montreal Chapter 50 recently toured the research facilities of Soundbite Medical Solutions located in Ville St-Laurent

SME Montreal Chapter 50 Visits the Canadian Space Agency

SME's Montreal Chapter 50 recently organized a visit to the Canadian Space Agency’s (CSA) John H. Chapman Space Centre. Located in Longueil, QC our host was Mr. Mario Ciaramicoli. An Operations Engineer, his main responsibilities are mission planning and robotics instruction and he thoughtfully guided our group throughout the complex. Formed to create a central place to meet and work on Canadian space initiatives, the CSA has constructed and launched a series of new projects into orbit from Montreal’s south shore. One of the most important is Canadarm which is used on the International Space Station (ISS). Canadarm2 along with Dextre images can be found on the Canadian five-dollar note. 


Thinking back 50+ years ago and the cornerstone of Canadian satellite projects like the Alouette, at that time there was no experience developing satellites. Much work was needed to think of and counter all the difficulties they would face in the harsh environment of space. Also joining us was Ms. Marie-Josee Potvin, Structural Engineer at the CSA. She reviewed materials with specific examples which gave us all a better appreciation for all of the many challenges posed to the business of space. Her presentation dovetailed very nicely with topics relevant to SME: advanced materials and an eye towards a lean approach to operational and manufacturing processes. Both exposés made for an enriching experience and a heightened understanding of Canada’s contribution to the International Space Station and the next frontiers of exploration.

In the words of one of Canada’s space pioneers: "In the second century of Confederation, the fabric of Canadian society will be held together by strands in space just as strongly as railway and telegraphy held together the scattered provinces in the last century." - John H. Chapman
The CSA is under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Innovation, Science, and Economic Development. @csa_asc @DemandezaISDE @MDA_SatSystems @NASA @SME_MFG

Recent Topics

Frederic Dadure
Join the Chapter 50 group on Linked In. You will be aware of the past and futur events. ...
Frederic Dadure Dec '18
Giovanna Diaz
Dear SME member, The SME Montréal Chapter kindly invites you to its next special event  " L’humain au cœur de la 4e ...
Giovanna Diaz Feb '19
Contact Information
Charles Grenier 
514.543.4998, Ext. 231 | Email 

Chair Elect
Jason Beaton
438.355.6725 | Email 

Paul Gould 
514.270.5377 | Email 

Chris Robar 
450.698.2158 | Email 

Edem Dugbenoo 
514.797.3827 | Email 

Webmaster/Social Media    
Giovanna D. Diaz
438.228.3302 | Email 

Giovanni D. Carozza PE
514.327.1108, Ext. 242 | Email

Note: Use or release of an SME member's contact information, for commercial purposes, is contrary to SME's policy and is prohibited.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada