Blog Post List

From The Desk Of...Farhad Ghadamli 460

Hello my fellow SME colleagues and friends! I'm  Farhad Ghadamli ,  CAM-F, lead engineer with Dm3d Technology LLC, and one of your  2023-24 SME Member Council representatives . It's a great pleasure to share some of the lessons I've learned after serving two years as chair of one of the largest SME chapters, Oakland-Macomb Chapter 69 , located in Metro ...

Added by Farhad Ghadamli Blog SME Connect Blog 04/19/2023
The Business Insider: How to Start and Protect Your New Retail Company? 461

The retail business is one of the significant fields of industry that helps the country's economy and presents additional workplaces for people. It's also a good line of business if you plan to start your own business in your city.  If you've wanted to start your own business but don't know where to start, you're in the right place. Here's a helpful guide ...

Added by Tyler Pack Blog SME Connect Blog 04/18/2023