How Hiring The Right Talent Can Be Made Easy With Skill Testing 390

How Hiring The Right Talent Can Be Made Easy With Skill Testing


Finding the right hire can become such a headache-task that sometimes an organization even stalls with starting the process. The worst part is spending weeks and sometimes months interviewing candidates and then still hiring the wrong person. What exactly are these challenges that make hiring the right employee so difficult?

Avoid lying eyes

When questioning applicants for a job about their skills, hiring managers can sometimes pick up that a person is lying about their skills. The way they present themselves in their resume doesn’t at all match the person sitting in front of them. 

Legal, reliable pre-employment tests are a great help to hiring professionals as they measure skills and even personality to ensure the right fit. It’s why eSkill is so appreciated – they offer this skills testing

Once you get results on the person’s cognitive ability, integrity, personality, and abilities, you can hire with confidence. They’ve tested millions already from their huge assessment catalog of tests, and if you like, you can even combine skills tests and video interviews and be sure of the right hire.

Can’t afford to make wrong decisions

All around the world, economies are floundering and experiencing huge change. Millions of people have lost their jobs. While some industries aren’t hiring in a hurry, others have to. 

Skills testing has become urgent because companies have to hire the right people out of the hundreds, all clamoring for the same job. Competition is high and an organization can’t afford to hire someone who doesn’t pull their full weight and more. Evaluating prospective employees based on their skill sets and personality instead of their work history, which often isn’t accurate, can help with sifting through them all and finding the right one.

Eliminates laziness

Professionally developed pre-employment tests can successfully give an employer the productivity levels of a prospective employee. No employer wants someone who keeps saying ‘it’s not in my job description’ when asked to do the simplest tasks. 

These skills tests are super accurate and they can tell an employer if the applicant does indeed have the skills and the right personality to rise to all the challenges their job brings. Resumes can be notoriously flattering and unreliable, but with these skills tests, employers can make use of the accurate data to make an informed hiring decision. 


Companies that use pre-employment testing can experience a positive vibe. With these tests, nobody has to contend with all the frustrations of hiring. One of the common frustrations for any organization is the time they have to ‘waste’ interviewing.

In spite of all the carefully prepared questions they ask in an effort to get to know something of the candidate, hiring managers still make serious hiring mistakes. They can end up with someone who doesn’t fit into the culture of the business and who also doesn’t have the emotional intelligence to keep their cool in difficult situations. 

Identifying people who are easily riled

We’ve all worked with difficult colleagues before and they have contributed to lower productivity and higher absenteeism in the workplace. Problematic co-workers can be unpredictable and maybe nobody can ever really find out what makes them so difficult. 

Who are they really? Is it because they were not consulted about something they feel they should have been consulted on? What riles them so much? That’s the trouble with hiring the wrong person – not being able to identify the things that send them over the edge. Pre-employment tests can help with concerns like this and you get a good idea of what kind of personality you’re hiring. 

Blog Business Insights 09/16/2021 12:47pm EDT

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