Happy Holidays!

Congratulations to Mr. Anwelli Okpue who has been nominated and elected as Chair of SME Detroit Chapter One – The Founding Chapter for 2022.  Anwelli will lead the chapter into the future and provide members with new and interesting goals for the chapter.
Congratulations Anwelli!

Other chapter officers nominated and elected are:
Chair-elect: Mark Lewkowicz
Treasurer: Howard Weston
Secretary: George Diehl
Membership Retention: Roger Ward
Programs Chair: Marc Callert

The officers were installed on December 7th at Aubree’s Pizzeria & Grill in Dexter along with the incoming officers of SME Ann Arbor Chapter 79.   They will assume their office on January 1, 2022.

It has been a challenge during the last year to provide the membership with the programs that Chapter 1 had been able to provide to the members in the past during the COVID restrictions.  Chapters 1, 69, and 79 worked together to make available to the members zoom presentations and webinars providing continuing technical information during the year.  I thank our neighboring chapters for the opportunity to participate in these programs during 2021. 

As my year as Detroit Chapter One Chair comes to an end, I would like to say that it has been a very interesting year for me.  I have had the opportunity to meet some interesting people and to make some new friends.  I wish to take this time to thank all those whose support made possible the successful management of SME Detroit Chapter One – The Founding Chapter.  I wish Anwelli a good year as Chair and the incoming officers a good year as well.  I know that they will all do excellent in the management of the chapter with interesting presentations throughout the year.

Mike Timko, CMfgT
Chair Detroit Chapter 1 2021
Blog Detroit Chapter 1 12/24/2021 12:33pm EST

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