SME Detroit Chapter 1 And SME Oakland-Macomb Chapter 69 424

SME Detroit Chapter 1 And SME Oakland-Macomb Chapter 69

SME Detroit Chapter 1 and SME Oakland-Macomb Chapter 69 recently came together to help the Clarenceville High School Physics class with a special request.  A call from Joe LaRussa, Past Chair of Detroit Chapter 1, provided the information of the request to both chapters.  There was a need for some additional lab equipment for the Physics class that wasn’t identified for the budget this year.  This would curtail the learning effort in the Physics class.  When Chapter 1 and 69 reviewed the situation executive board members from both chapters agreed that this would be detrimental to the students who are pursuing a STEM curriculum if they didn’t have access to the equipment.  Each chapter agreed to present $500 to Clarenceville High School for purchase of the equipment.  Joe LaRussa coordinated the delivery of the funds with Tim Constant at Clarenceville High School.  Others, outside of the chapters,  also came forward and contributed to the need.  On Thursday, February 24th, Anwelli Okpue, Chapter 1 Chair; Farhad Ghadamli, Chapter 69 Chair; and Mike Timko, Chapter 1 Past Chair attended the Clarenceville School District School Board Meeting and received recognition for the contribution.  Thank you to all who worked to make this a success.
Blog Detroit Chapter 1 03/17/2022 8:53pm EDT

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