Group News
Welcome to SME's Los Angeles County Chapter 153. Proudly Serving All Los Angeles and 4 Counties North of L A, We Are a Platinum Chapter! Future home of the California Science Center - Samuel Oschin Air and Space Pavilion, under construction and scheduled to open in June 2025!
Developing America’s future workforce of manufacturing and engineering technologists by engaging them in critical reasoning and problem-solving skills through partnering industry with education.
The establishment of the "Educational and Professional Succession" senior SME chapter is to shepherd the associated student chapters and affiliates, providing a conduit of connectivity ensuring the success of the participants. The SME student chapters collaborate and support each other with mentorship from the professional/senior chapter as the students ascend through education and into the workplace. This two-way collaboration fuels the educational and professional succession as we develop our manufacturing and engineering workforce.
Advance manufacturing and attract future generations of chapter and society members
Prime School Chapter Sponsor
Hawthorne High School. Students in the SME PRIME network receive hands-on training on modern equipment, and learn about technology and processes through tailored curriculum that is informed by local manufacturing companies in their communities.
Chapter Membership Benefits
- Membership in Chapter 153 facilitates a career pathway to professional success. We “serve” our country by collaborating with industry to create a workforce. We create career success stories to professional success. Karen makes sense out of building the education to profession succession. Ask her about our pre-apprentice engineering and manufacturing program called Aero-flex. Contact Karen @
- Scholarships available through SME Education Foundation
- Engage in student competitions: design, fabricate, build and compete
- Contact Skills USA for details: Home | SkillsUSA
- Student chapters, both 2-year community and four-year institutions
- Boeing Member Center - Boeing employees only. SME offers unique opportunities for members of companies that become Corporate Members.
- Build your technical/professional networks & communities
- Please visit and join our Chapter LinkedIn Website: SME 153 LinkedIn Page NOTE: Linkedin membership required
- Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP So Cal)
- Led by the Price School – USC Center for Economic Development
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Los Angeles – Las Vegas Section
- DaVinci Schools – Hawthorne and El Segundo
- Lennox Academy Mathematics, Science and Technology Academy
- South Bay Aerospace Alliance
- Argyros College of Business and Economics, Chapman, University. The Shah Family Endowed Chair in Innovativeness, Professor Pradip K. Shukla, Ph.D., CPIM.
- American Society of Engineers of Indian Origin ((ASEI)
- Please subscribe Channel dashboard - YouTube Studio
New addition 12/2023: Interviewing Tips and Articles in Files Section
Check out our event photos. View by specific event.
Refer to the "files" section for past meeting minutes and to access "Leadership" topic files.
Historical Chapter 153 "News Flashes" file folder added. Thank you Mr. Timko, previous Chapter Officer for these scans from the 1980s!
Please join our LinkedIn group page, titled South Bay Area (Los Angeles County, CA) Chapter 153, for our latest activities and announcements
LinkedIn Chapter 153 Page
As the calendar defaults to "Today", accessing calendar event details requires: select "week" tab, click the forward arrow until the week is shown, click on the event to show details. NOTE: additional information about the event may be posted in the "Upcoming Events" section of the website.
Contact Information
Tim Engel
Donald McKinzie
Webmaster/Past Chair
Ron Gill - HSME, CMfgE
Karen Latuner
Secretary/Member Recruitment
Glen Chapple
Student Chapters
California Polytechnic State University S012
Trian Georgeou
602.323.6191 (C)
California State University, Northridge S327
Bingbing Li, PhD
Note: The use or release of an SME member's contact information, for commercial purposes, is contrary
Tim Engel
Donald McKinzie
Webmaster/Past Chair
Ron Gill - HSME, CMfgE
Karen Latuner
Secretary/Member Recruitment
Glen Chapple
Student Chapters
California Polytechnic State University S012
Trian Georgeou
602.323.6191 (C)
California State University, Northridge S327
Bingbing Li, PhD
Note: The use or release of an SME member's contact information, for commercial purposes, is contrary
Torrance, CA 90506, United States