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Member Spotlight

Member Spotlight: Joel Neidig 316

"SME provides a way to connect with manufacturing professionals across the globe, leveraging a knowledge base that I otherwise would not have access to. We have a community we can rely on and be digitally connected to. So check it out, there’s a whole community there for you!"  Joel Neidig, CEO and Co-Founder, SIMBA Chain, Director of Research & ...

Added by Dianna Helka Blog Why SME 09/17/2020
Member Spotlight: Brett Peters, PhD 315

"The ways to volunteer and support are virtually endless; the value is most certainly priceless. Our future, manufacturing’s future, SME’s future is in your hands — engage in personal growth, help a student chapter, support the emerging professionals and ensure our manufacturing community thrives!" Brett A. Peters, PhD, Dean and Professor, ...

Added by Dianna Helka Blog Why SME 09/17/2020
Member Spotlight: Ryan Mulcahy, CMfgT, CAM-T 314

“I truly feel that all that SME does on a multitude of levels really benefits me in my position and in my career in a big way, thus I am very thankful for it, and even more so proud to be an SME member.”    Ryan Mulcahy, CMfgT, CAM-T, Materials and Process Engineer, BLUE ORIGIN, SME Member Since 2015   Connect with Ryan here on SME Connect.

Added by Dianna Helka Blog Why SME 09/17/2020